Chapter 5

A new day has dawned for Dalan, now an exile from his Clan…cut, bleeding, and beaten thanks to the Shatlia.

He takes stock of his situation and, after tending to himself, soon discovers that someone – or several someones – is watching out for him and gives him a starting direction on this new path of his life.

However, this path leads to more than just a place to start…

Chapter 3

Dalan’s road to recovery has been anything but fun. His new cybernetic implants are integrating with his body, but slowly.

During one session, the young tiger discovers a terrifying side-effect of Dr. Sheck’s treatment option, and finds his predicament even more frustrating. That is, until a whisper in the dark gently prods him in the right direction.

Chapter 1

In this chapter:

We are introduced to Dalan Kalamar, eldest son of his father, and second in line for the title of Clan Elder.

On this night, the majority of Dalan’s Clan is bearing witness to his father participating in the Kumal, a martial arts tournament held every year in the Clan lands. However, his mother, pregnant with her 6th child, is currently at the hospital.

Keeping the Flame Alive

I’m not sure how many more times I need to do this. At this rate, this site is going to have more regenerations than the Doctor.

For those of you who are new to the story, then welcome to ‘Outcast,’ a science fiction podcast novel. This has been a labor of love for me, though admittedly not as much love as it really deserves.

It also seems that since a recent update of my last incarnation’s WordPress site, a bunch of links and other things ended up broken, and just when I was about to introduce a few new people to the story. *sigh*

So here I am once again, re-building the site and packing it with the original content, at least until I can get the re-recording/re-editing done.

And so, without further ado, I give you…Outcast.